Wednesday 26 September 2018

water aid poster analysis

Image result for water aid dig toilets

The denotation of this picture is a black,male African boy who looks very poorly and in-need. He is also standing next to a wall. He also has sunlight beaming on his

This picture suggests that the boy is thirsty 
and in-need of other essentials.The picture also suggests that 
the supply of water in that particular location can solve many 
problems , one of them is a working toilet
system.Also the colour of the boys t shirt is blue 
which connotes water and unhappiness.

Analysis:The audience might be affected by the text saying dig toilets not graves.This is because its showing that water can quench other problems than thirst.Also the sunlight beaming on the boys forehead might suggest that the boy and others are desperately in need of water and that time is running out.The facial expression of the boy might affect the readers by making them think the boy is desperate and thirsty.

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