Wednesday 30 January 2019

January assessment: learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

·         Great analytical writing ability – some great topic sentences and vocabulary which relates to the statement.
·         Added some media terminology – ‘consumer, digital media and binge-watching’
·         Balanced arguments which you have provided sufficient advantages and disadvantages for each industry.

·         Add more examples for the newspaper industry
·         Pay more attention to spelling, grammar and word choice. Consider copying your essay into Microsoft Word and correct any words/sentences with red and blue lines

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the mark you achieved for each question:

Q1) 0/1

Where you didn't achieve full marks, write WHY you think you missed out on the extra marks. Use the indicative content suggestions in the mark scheme to help with this.

I think I didn't do my best on question 3 and 4 as i lost marks for not writing accurate and clear explanations about the question.I definitely struggled to co-op with the time that was given to me.But most importantly next time i need to include outstanding knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and use media terminology more often.

3) Did you get any media terminology wrong in the assessment? Make a note of it here for future revision:

No i didn't get any media terminology wrong in the assessment.

4) Look specifically at question 3 - did you successfully write about both the preferred and oppositional readings? Did your answers match any in the mark scheme?

Yes, if i added more detail about the theoretical i would've potentially gained full marks.

5) Re-draft your answer to Q3. Use the indicative content suggestions in the mark scheme to write a top-level answer on your blog.

The preferred reading of the women's war time job poster is that the producers want to show that women aren't inferior to men and can take part anything that men take part in.Also the quote "we can do it!" connotes that women can take a place in the war by doing something that will support the men in the battlefield.Also the rolling up of sleeves denotes stuck in , ready for hard work and action.The overall message is equality even if they're both not doing the same thing.

 Note: If you already achieved 6+ marks for Q3 then write an additional paragraph exploring the negotiated reading for this advertisement. 

The negotiated reading of the advertisement is that the producers want to show that women don't have to fight to be equal as men but they can actually take part in the war by producing resources for the fighting men.The producers also want to show that women aren't inferior to men as the women is flexing her biceps showing are women and men are equal only different genders and body parts.

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