Tuesday 18 December 2018

Industries:Film Industry CSP introduction

in the poster you can see a superhero coming out of a circle with a yellowish light around it as well as images of the city. This connotes to something magical and inhumane also different images of cities could mean the movie has something to do with travelling or time. The ring he steps out of could show his power over everything. Costume; He is wearing an outfit that most superheroes typically wear such as a cape, leather boots and his own fictional object "The Eye of Agamotto" which overall shows he's protected giving him a sense of dominance. Lighting: The main area that involves lighting would be the centre of the poster- behind and around the ring. The colour of the light (orange/yellow) are classic sci-fi colours and could connote to something magical or even an opening to something as there is white light behind him as he exits from inside. Apart from this, the small, faint green light that's glowing from his necklace could've been used in order to show the power that's contained within it. The audience might be attracted to this poster due to the range of bright colours and how the light shines through behind the main character in order to make him the superior object. The title is also another attraction as the colour is in gold which could connote to richness and something powerful therefore making the audience intrigued to watch the film as well as this, the use of the actors names at the top will lure in any fans bases who will be eager to watch.

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