Monday, 27 January 2020

December Paper 2 PPE: Learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). The grade boundaries are here if you are wondering how close you are to the next grade up.

-Basic overall understanding of the CSPs within this exam.
-Some links made to media theories and terminology.
-Able to define some media terminology.

2) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for the December PPEs?

Out of the 10 i think i score a solid 5 because i made flash cards , i just didn't put them into some use.

3) Use the mark scheme for this assessment to identify three points you could have made in any of the questions in Section A (Television). Look for the indicative content in the mark scheme - these are the suggested answers from AQA.

  • I could've linked the characters to a relevant media theory. 
  • I could've used more complex and explained media terminology. 
  • I could've applied a variety of media theories with relevant examples.

4) There are three 20-mark essay questions in Media Paper 2. What will you do to improve your performance in the 20-mark essays in the March PPEs? 

I will ensure that i add a variety of media terminology and media theories with sensible use and relevant examples.

5) Question 5 is a synoptic question that requires you to refer to other CSPs. What other CSPs could you have used for this Question 5 on Zoella and celebrity?

I could've used kim-kardashian to

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